Saturday, May 30, 2015

Checklists for Young Men and Parents

Young Men:
  • All Young Men: (Order is not significant, none of these items depends on the others)
    1. I recommend subscribing to this blog so that you will get email updates of new information.  Use the "Get Updates by Email" box in the upper right.
    2. Obtain a Temple Recommend that will be valid during camp (July 6-10 2015). If you are not yet worthy of a recommend please work with your Bishop to determine what actions to take.  You are of course encouraged to come to camp even without a recommend but you will be unable to enter the Temple to participate in baptisms for the dead.  Discuss alternative activities with your Bishop.
    3. Find Ancestors who need their temple work done. You will have opportunity to be baptized on their behalf.
    4. Memorize The Living Christ.  The youth (YM/YW) in our stake have been challenged to learn this by the Stake President.  Each ward has been assigned specific paragraphs to study and memorize  We will recite it from memory as part of the camp.  The challenge course will include tasks that will test memorization of the Living Christ. Memorizing more than the sections assigned to your ward may be very beneficial.
    5. The BSA requires you get a physical from a medical professional.  This may require scheduling an appointment well in advance. Fill out and take this form to your appointment for the doctor to sign:
    6. You will be required to pass a swim check to participate in water activities.  This can be done before camp as directed by ward YM leaders, or at camp as part of your time at the water front.
      • Complete the requirements on this form and ensure you are marked appropriately on the ward roster.
      • Swimming at camp will be restricted to shallower areas
      • We use the buddy system
      • Life jacket use will be required for other activities like canoeing
    7. The Church requires brief medical information and permission from your parents.  Fill out and have your parents sign this form:
      • LDS Permission Form
      • Give this form to a member of your ward YM presidency when it is complete.
    8. By June 7th Pay $25 Stake fee (Activities, Location, Dinners and Friday Breakfast) + Ward fee for Breakfasts and Lunches (Amount varies by ward). Pay these fees to a member of your Bishopric. If you are unable to pay, discuss options with your Bishop.
    9. Notify your YM Pres if you have dietary restrictions so they can be accommodated.
  • Deacons: (You can download all the forms and the checklist here)
    1. Complete the preparations labeled "All Young Men" above.
    2. Consult with your parents/scoutmasters to determine which merit badges you should focus on at camp. A registration form with a list of badges and a schedule will be published here when it is complete.  If there are specific badges you want to be available you can encourage a qualified adult to volunteer as a councilor for the camp.
  • Teachers: (You can download all the forms and the checklist here)
    1. Complete the preparations labeled "All Young Men" above.
    2. Complete this permission to rappel form and give it to a member of your ward YM presidency.
    3. Practice Hiking.  The missionary 10 mile hike will be challenging.  Practice will help you test your ability and your shoes.  If you are can't or do not want to hike at camp, there will be a group of leaders to lead you in activities nearer to camp.
  • Priests: (You can download all the forms and the checklist here)
    1. Complete the preparations labeled "All Young Men" above.
    2. Complete this permission to rappel form and give it to a member of your ward YM presidency.
    3. Practice Hiking.  The missionary 10 mile hike will be very challenging.  Practice will help you test your ability and your shoes.  If you are can't or do not want to hike there will be a group of leaders to lead you in activities near to camp.
      • Work toward this Duty to God requirement by preparing 15 minute lesson plans for each of the 5 lessons in Chapter 3 of Preach My Gospel.   
        • At Camp you will be placed in practice missionary situations where you will teach a 15 minute version of one of the five Preach My Gospel lessons.
      • Work toward this Duty to God requirement by prayerfully preparing yourself and inviting someone to attend Church, to read the Book of Mormon, attend Camp or take some other action to bring them closer to Christ.  Write in your journal about the experience.  Be prepared to share something about this missionary experience at camp.
      • Practice Hiking.  The missionary 10 mile hike will be challenging.  Practice will help you test your ability and your shoes.  If you are can't or do not want to hike at camp, there will be a group of leaders to lead you in activities nearer to camp.
    Parents of Young Men:
    1. Memorize The Living Christ with your children.
    2. Verify that your young man completes his checklist in a timely manner.
    3. I recommend subscribing to this blog so that you will get email updates of new information.  Use the "Get Updates by Email" box in the upper right.
    4. Sign his forms where required.
    5. Please consider volunteering as a merit badge councilor (Sign up here), providing additional leadership (Contact your ward YM president), or coming to one of the excellent firesides and activities (see below).
    Parents who wish to attend camp firesides or activities
    1. Please come, we encourage your attendance!
    2. RSVP to Monte Lucherini if you want to have food and/or a location to sleep.
    3. Be aware that there is a per vehicle fee of about $7 to use the access road to the camp (Forrest Service).  It is my understanding that the fee gives the vehicle access for 1 week.  Carpooling is advised to save on fees and to reduce parking congestion at the camp.

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