Sunday, July 12, 2015

Submit photos of camp

We would like to gather photos of camp.  If you have photos from camp please email them to  If you have files too large to email you can give a physical copy, jump drive or CD to a member of the Stake YM presidency, or let me know in an email note and we can talk about alternate upload methods.

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Merit Badge Schedules have been sent

The schedules for all the Young Men who registered for merit badges have been sent.  If you have not received a schedule for a young man email me at:
Some of the email addresses listed on the registrations appear to be for the YM leaders, it's possible the email has been sent to them.
My computer generated these schedules.  It attempted to get the boys the maximum number of badges from their preferences.  However, you (Young Men, Parents, Leaders) may want to modify the schedule.  There are instructions in the email on how to make changes.

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Merit Badge Registration

This is the latest schedule of available badges:
Click here to download as a PDF
Click here to view on Google Docs 

Choose your badges in order of preference:

If you already have many of these badges we invite you to sign up to help teach them: Sign up to help

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

For Scoutmasters and Deacons advisors

The following email was sent by Keith Ferrin via email to ward leadership, he asked that it also be posted here as an alternative way to get the info. So when you see things like "contact me" the "me" is Brother Ferrin.

Dear scoutmasters and deacon advisors,

1;   PLEASE REGISTER for desired merit badges in the blog here:
      If you or the deacons go to this site you can register for the badges. Please register or have the deacons do it in the next week if possible. We did not get as many merit badge counselors as we had hoped for. We will try to figure out the schedules for the boys if possible. 
     If you have boys who have all the badges we are offering I would like to know who they are and what they would be interested or willing to help with. We would like to give the boys an opportunity to teach merit badge classes or at least assist in doing so. This gives them a chance to grow and not duplicate what the teacher age boys will be doing in two years from now. If I could find out names and phone numbers of those boys and their interest by Sunday June 28th it would be nice so I can contact them. This will help them stay busy and not be board at camp causing problems for us all. The boys are certainly able to contact me asap if they want to work with a specific badge. My phone number is (208) 871-1025. If the boys only have one or two badges to get and can help teach they can do so and we will work around their schedules.

2;    PLEASE be aware that we are asking you to GET your deacons TO the TEMPLE as a quorum before camp to do baptisms for the dead as part of camp. The goal is to give them a more spiritual experience as they work on scout activities. Preferably we would like your trip to be prior to camp if possible but after camp would be better than not going at all.

3;   PLEASE prepare MISSIONARY SKITS from the scriptures. Two minutes is plenty long, Three minutes is too long. Shorter is fine. We would like the boys to perform these at the flag ceremonies in the mornings. please involve as many boys as possible. Two or three wards will perform per day. We will also be asking different troops to do the flag ceremony each day and retrieve the flag in the evening.

4;   You are welcome to preform SWIM CHECKS prior to camp. Bring a record please. If not we will be doing swim checks for those boys who are interested in swimming or lifesaving merit badges. This will be done as you arrive at and set up camp, before 1:00pm when merit badge training will begin. The swim checks and merit badges will be done in Tibble Reservoir below camp.

5;   PLEASE insure all PHYSICALS, PERMISSION SLIPS and TRIP PERMITS are complete, signed and ready to be inspected at the stake house Monday morning prior to leaving for camp. We would not want a boy not to be able to attend over an oversight. Please note the start time has been changed to 8:00 am.

6; Please BRING BLUE merit badge CARDS for all the boys participating in merit badge classes. One card for each badge. Ex; John needs 5 cards if attending 5 classes.
Thank you for your attention to detail, flexibility and willingness to follow our leaders.

Sunday, May 31, 2015

Camp Overview

      Granite Flats Campground not to be confused with BYUtv's Granite Flats

      Remember this is Bear Country wilderness:

  • The size and noise of our groups will likely scare off Bears but we will still take every precaution.
  • Food must be boxed and raised at night (Or in leader cars)
  • Absolutely No Food, Candy, Treats, Toothpaste, Deodorant or anything scented in or near tents at any time. Feel free to bring the food but don't take it in the tent.

Firesides by:
  • Brad Wilcox Author: The Continuous Atonement, among other books (Tuesday evening)
  • Second Counselor, Young Men General Presidency (Wednesday evening)
  • Elder Bryan Larsen of the Seventy (ask him a question here) (Thursday evening)
  • Stake Leadership (Friday morning)

Missionary Schedule
  • We will emulate the missionary schedule.  
  • Up by 6:30am, 30 minute scripture study will begin each day.  
  • We will also emulate the MTC devotionals, hymns, firesides, testimony meetings.

Redeeming the Dead
  • On our way to camp we will attend a Temple (we will divide up and attend in different locations) to preform baptisms for the dead. (Because they travel on Monday, when Temples are closed,  Deacons will have opportunity to do Baptisms before camp)

Missionary Hike:
  • Priests and Teachers will experience a taste of the physical and instructional challenges of missionary life by hiking difficult 10 mile mountain trails.  
  • Priests will additionally make stops to teach the missionary lessons from Preach My Gospel.

Exceptional Merit Badge Councilors
  • Merit badge classes will be taught by volunteers from our own Stake.  
  • These local volunteers are experienced, mature, role models for the Young Men.  
  • The classes will be taught with Gospel perspective with the intent of preparing Young Men for Missionary service and Fatherhood.

Rapelling the fiery darts of the adversary
  • Teachers and Priests will rappel a challenging rock face.
  • Professional climbing supervision and instruction by 12fingers. 12fingers website.

Career workshops for Priests
  • 7 Professionals from our Stake will give the Priests as much information about their career, industry, and work in general as possible in 10 minute stations.

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Checklists for Young Men and Parents

Young Men:
  • All Young Men: (Order is not significant, none of these items depends on the others)
    1. I recommend subscribing to this blog so that you will get email updates of new information.  Use the "Get Updates by Email" box in the upper right.
    2. Obtain a Temple Recommend that will be valid during camp (July 6-10 2015). If you are not yet worthy of a recommend please work with your Bishop to determine what actions to take.  You are of course encouraged to come to camp even without a recommend but you will be unable to enter the Temple to participate in baptisms for the dead.  Discuss alternative activities with your Bishop.
    3. Find Ancestors who need their temple work done. You will have opportunity to be baptized on their behalf.
    4. Memorize The Living Christ.  The youth (YM/YW) in our stake have been challenged to learn this by the Stake President.  Each ward has been assigned specific paragraphs to study and memorize  We will recite it from memory as part of the camp.  The challenge course will include tasks that will test memorization of the Living Christ. Memorizing more than the sections assigned to your ward may be very beneficial.
    5. The BSA requires you get a physical from a medical professional.  This may require scheduling an appointment well in advance. Fill out and take this form to your appointment for the doctor to sign:
    6. You will be required to pass a swim check to participate in water activities.  This can be done before camp as directed by ward YM leaders, or at camp as part of your time at the water front.
      • Complete the requirements on this form and ensure you are marked appropriately on the ward roster.
      • Swimming at camp will be restricted to shallower areas
      • We use the buddy system
      • Life jacket use will be required for other activities like canoeing
    7. The Church requires brief medical information and permission from your parents.  Fill out and have your parents sign this form:
      • LDS Permission Form
      • Give this form to a member of your ward YM presidency when it is complete.
    8. By June 7th Pay $25 Stake fee (Activities, Location, Dinners and Friday Breakfast) + Ward fee for Breakfasts and Lunches (Amount varies by ward). Pay these fees to a member of your Bishopric. If you are unable to pay, discuss options with your Bishop.
    9. Notify your YM Pres if you have dietary restrictions so they can be accommodated.
  • Deacons: (You can download all the forms and the checklist here)
    1. Complete the preparations labeled "All Young Men" above.
    2. Consult with your parents/scoutmasters to determine which merit badges you should focus on at camp. A registration form with a list of badges and a schedule will be published here when it is complete.  If there are specific badges you want to be available you can encourage a qualified adult to volunteer as a councilor for the camp.
  • Teachers: (You can download all the forms and the checklist here)
    1. Complete the preparations labeled "All Young Men" above.
    2. Complete this permission to rappel form and give it to a member of your ward YM presidency.
    3. Practice Hiking.  The missionary 10 mile hike will be challenging.  Practice will help you test your ability and your shoes.  If you are can't or do not want to hike at camp, there will be a group of leaders to lead you in activities nearer to camp.
  • Priests: (You can download all the forms and the checklist here)
    1. Complete the preparations labeled "All Young Men" above.
    2. Complete this permission to rappel form and give it to a member of your ward YM presidency.
    3. Practice Hiking.  The missionary 10 mile hike will be very challenging.  Practice will help you test your ability and your shoes.  If you are can't or do not want to hike there will be a group of leaders to lead you in activities near to camp.
      • Work toward this Duty to God requirement by preparing 15 minute lesson plans for each of the 5 lessons in Chapter 3 of Preach My Gospel.   
        • At Camp you will be placed in practice missionary situations where you will teach a 15 minute version of one of the five Preach My Gospel lessons.
      • Work toward this Duty to God requirement by prayerfully preparing yourself and inviting someone to attend Church, to read the Book of Mormon, attend Camp or take some other action to bring them closer to Christ.  Write in your journal about the experience.  Be prepared to share something about this missionary experience at camp.
      • Practice Hiking.  The missionary 10 mile hike will be challenging.  Practice will help you test your ability and your shoes.  If you are can't or do not want to hike at camp, there will be a group of leaders to lead you in activities nearer to camp.
    Parents of Young Men:
    1. Memorize The Living Christ with your children.
    2. Verify that your young man completes his checklist in a timely manner.
    3. I recommend subscribing to this blog so that you will get email updates of new information.  Use the "Get Updates by Email" box in the upper right.
    4. Sign his forms where required.
    5. Please consider volunteering as a merit badge councilor (Sign up here), providing additional leadership (Contact your ward YM president), or coming to one of the excellent firesides and activities (see below).
    Parents who wish to attend camp firesides or activities
    1. Please come, we encourage your attendance!
    2. RSVP to Monte Lucherini if you want to have food and/or a location to sleep.
    3. Be aware that there is a per vehicle fee of about $7 to use the access road to the camp (Forrest Service).  It is my understanding that the fee gives the vehicle access for 1 week.  Carpooling is advised to save on fees and to reduce parking congestion at the camp.

    Friday, May 29, 2015

    Checklists for Leaders and Merit Badge Councilors

    Ward Leaders

    • Bishops
      • Memorize The Living Christ
      • I recommend subscribing to this blog so that you will get email updates of new information.  Use the "Get Updates by Email" box in the upper right.
      • Prepare to deliver (you or your assignee) 3 (20 minute) morning devotionals (Tues 7th, Wed 8th, Thurs 9th 7:30-7:50 am) based on For The Strength of Youth to the youth of your ward.
      • Plan and supervise ward campfire time 9:00pm-10:00pm and overnight time 10:00pm to 6:30am
    • YM Pres
      • Memorize The Living Christ
      • I recommend subscribing to this blog so that you will get email updates of new information.  Use the "Get Updates by Email" box in the upper right.
      • Fill out this trip permit for your unit.
      • Fill out the Safe swim form for your ward.
      • Make arrangements for sufficient leadership and transportation for your ward
      • Ensure that the YM are completing their checklists.  Printing and using this sheet may help.
      • Ensure that the YM councilors are completing their checklists
      • Gather forms and give them to Pres. Christensen when they are complete
      • Secure enough tents to house YM and leaders from your ward.  
      • Contact Monte Lucherini with questions
    • YM 1st councilors
      • Fulfill assignments to setup and execute mid-day activities.  
      • Contact  Dan Cox with questions
    • YM 2nd councilors
      • Memorize The Living Christ
      • I recommend subscribing to this blog so that you will get email updates of new information.  Use the "Get Updates by Email" box in the upper right.
      • Prepare and execute ward meal plans, purchasing, Bear Tight Storage, prep etc. 
        • Breakfasts (Friday will be Stake-wide breakfast):
          • Deacons 4 (M,T,W,Th)
          • Teachers 3 (T,W,Th)
          • Priests 2 (W,Th)
        • Lunches 
          • Deacons 5 (M,T,W,Th,F sack)
          • Teachers 4 (T, W sack, Th sack, F sack)
          • Priests 3 (W sack, Th sack, F sack)
      • Provide list of dietary restrictions to Mont Robinson so the Stake can accommodate.
    • YM secretaries
      • Memorize The Living Christ
      • I recommend subscribing to this blog so that you will get email updates of new information.  Use the "Get Updates by Email" box in the upper right.
      • Secure waterfront equipment as assigned  Contact Bruce Lee
    • Scoutmasters
      • Memorize The Living Christ
      • I recommend subscribing to this blog so that you will get email updates of new information.  Use the "Get Updates by Email" box in the upper right.
      • Ask for volunteers from the ward to go to camp as merit badge councilors
      • Pass the list of volunteers on to Jeff Klassen or Keith Ferrin
    Merit Badge Councilors
    • Volunteer or verify you are on this list: Sign up here
    • Memorize The Living Christ
    • I recommend subscribing to this blog so that you will get email updates of new information.  Use the "Get Updates by Email" box in the upper right.
    • Prepare your class.  Remember, all things testify of [Christ]. How does your merit badge relate to Jesus Christ and His Gospel?  Look for ways to use the Duty to God pattern of Learn, Act, Share in your classes.
    • Ensure that you on the schedule of classes (link to be added when complete), 
      • Make sure your contact info and scheduled times are correct
      • If there are any fees for materials for your class that they are accurate
      • Verify that you have been marked as a BSA registered councilor

    Wednesday, May 27, 2015


    This post has been closed

    If you are looking to register to TAKE merit badge classes click here.

    If you still want to volunteer to help TEACH a class email us at

    Wednesday, May 6, 2015

    Contact Us

    Since this is a public blog we are not publishing our personal email addresses or phone numbers here for spammers to find.  However, our info is available in the Stake Directory on the LDS Tools App for iOS  or LDSTools for Android.

    You can also email me at and I will attempt to answer your questions or forward your questions/comments to the correct people.

    Troy ChristensenStake Presidency 2nd Counselor9th
    Monte LucheriniStake YM President9th
    Dan CoxStake YM Presidency 1st Counselor15th
    Mont RobinsonStake YM Presidency 2nd Counselor5th
    Bruce LeeStake YM Presidency Secretary5th
    Larry HepworthCommittee Chair  (Teachers)6th
    Keith FerrinCommittee Member (Deacons)5th
    Jeff Klaassen Committee Member (Deacons)15th
    Leland MurrayCommittee Member (Teachers)BV
    Doug YounkerCommittee Member (Teachers)14th
    Austin StokerCommittee Member (Priests)8th
    Alan LuceCommittee Member (Priests)9th
    Tim HydeCommittee Member (Deacons)4th
    Dane CarterCommittee Member (Priests)12th
    Cory WoodHigh Councilor5th