Sunday, May 31, 2015

Camp Overview

      Granite Flats Campground not to be confused with BYUtv's Granite Flats

      Remember this is Bear Country wilderness:

  • The size and noise of our groups will likely scare off Bears but we will still take every precaution.
  • Food must be boxed and raised at night (Or in leader cars)
  • Absolutely No Food, Candy, Treats, Toothpaste, Deodorant or anything scented in or near tents at any time. Feel free to bring the food but don't take it in the tent.

Firesides by:
  • Brad Wilcox Author: The Continuous Atonement, among other books (Tuesday evening)
  • Second Counselor, Young Men General Presidency (Wednesday evening)
  • Elder Bryan Larsen of the Seventy (ask him a question here) (Thursday evening)
  • Stake Leadership (Friday morning)

Missionary Schedule
  • We will emulate the missionary schedule.  
  • Up by 6:30am, 30 minute scripture study will begin each day.  
  • We will also emulate the MTC devotionals, hymns, firesides, testimony meetings.

Redeeming the Dead
  • On our way to camp we will attend a Temple (we will divide up and attend in different locations) to preform baptisms for the dead. (Because they travel on Monday, when Temples are closed,  Deacons will have opportunity to do Baptisms before camp)

Missionary Hike:
  • Priests and Teachers will experience a taste of the physical and instructional challenges of missionary life by hiking difficult 10 mile mountain trails.  
  • Priests will additionally make stops to teach the missionary lessons from Preach My Gospel.

Exceptional Merit Badge Councilors
  • Merit badge classes will be taught by volunteers from our own Stake.  
  • These local volunteers are experienced, mature, role models for the Young Men.  
  • The classes will be taught with Gospel perspective with the intent of preparing Young Men for Missionary service and Fatherhood.

Rapelling the fiery darts of the adversary
  • Teachers and Priests will rappel a challenging rock face.
  • Professional climbing supervision and instruction by 12fingers. 12fingers website.

Career workshops for Priests
  • 7 Professionals from our Stake will give the Priests as much information about their career, industry, and work in general as possible in 10 minute stations.

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