Sunday, July 12, 2015

Submit photos of camp

We would like to gather photos of camp.  If you have photos from camp please email them to  If you have files too large to email you can give a physical copy, jump drive or CD to a member of the Stake YM presidency, or let me know in an email note and we can talk about alternate upload methods.

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Merit Badge Schedules have been sent

The schedules for all the Young Men who registered for merit badges have been sent.  If you have not received a schedule for a young man email me at:
Some of the email addresses listed on the registrations appear to be for the YM leaders, it's possible the email has been sent to them.
My computer generated these schedules.  It attempted to get the boys the maximum number of badges from their preferences.  However, you (Young Men, Parents, Leaders) may want to modify the schedule.  There are instructions in the email on how to make changes.